Social Media and Its Impacts in Human Minds


In today’s world, social media can make difference in the minds of people across the world. It has not only become a source of information but also is a part of human life. It can be termed as the vehicle of communication which lets each one of us convey and share our content in each and every corner of the world via the internet. According to the data for the year 2020, there were more than 3.6 billion users of social media and it’s expected to increase up to 4.41 billion by 2025 which is massive.

The above-extracted data is huge, and it is crystal clear that social media is booming day by day. Indeed, all the young generations are active users of social media platforms. Knowing these data, we can observe the significance of social media in our life. The social media platforms that are utilized rapidly include Facebook, YouTube, WhatsApp, Instagram, and so on. These platforms have a prominent impact on everyone’s life whether it may be positive or negative.

On the one hand, the positive side includes that; it permits us to communicate and connect with our dear ones. Also, we can gain up-to-date information and news happening around the globe. Many skills and opportunities can be flourished and gained respectively with the assistance of social media and its platforms. Similarly, on the negative side, cyberbullying, fraud, rumor spreading, etc. are gaining huge attention which is the drawback of social media. And mostly the youths are found being engaged in such activities. So, these social media platforms exhibit both the positive and negative sides.

In summary, we observed that, if social media and its platforms are used in a productive and informative technique, then we tend to secure multiple benefits from it. Otherwise, it will take no time to degrade our valuable time and lives. After glancing, observing, and analyzing the above-stated statements and problem domain, discussion and explanation must be performed on how these social media and their platforms will impact and influence young high school students before their minds fully develop.

Keywords: Social media, information, communication, internet, young generation, social media platforms.


Social networking has become an everyday part of many peoples’ lives as evidenced by the huge user communities. Around 4.55 billion people utilize social media globally. Approximately around 57.6% of the world’s population utilizes social media. According to the data gathered in January 2021, there were around 13 million users of social media in Nepal. According to the October 2021 survey, Facebook is ranked as the most popular social media platform worldwide based on the number of active users. Currently, it holds more than 2.89 billion monthly active users.

Considering the above paragraph mentioning facts and figures, we can clearly analyze the advancement and growing usability of social media. With the technological advances and the increased scope of media, communication with anyone around the world has become easy. Earlier we had to wait for days or sometimes months for a beautiful handwritten letter sent through the post from close and loved ones. But now any dialogue happens in a fraction of seconds. Social media is one of the major platforms of communication. We cannot imagine our daily routine without it. Internet penetration has brought the world together on one platform. Now we can easily connect with anyone from a different city or for that matter, a different country. With the pictures or videos that are overflowing the social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter one is constantly updated about near and dear ones.

Along with considering above mentioned analysis, there is also another point to consider that, nothing comes with all good or best. As there is a saying, “Every coin has its two sides”, and so does social media. While talking about the positive side of the coin, social media has been one of the best sources of communication, and advertising because of its ever-increasing scope and reach, cost-effectiveness, business development features, worldwide connectivity, matchmaker or find one’s romance, opportunities for job, free publicity, real-time information sharing, a platform to share cultural information, and much more.

More importantly one cannot neglect the fact that there is also a negative side to the coin. Social media keeps you hooked up for hours and your time is wasted. Hence, it can be called addictive. The other negative aspects would include the increase in crime (cybercrime), increasing fraud, hacking of information, virus attacks, low productivity in work, negative publicity, and low internet penetration in some parts of the world. One cannot just overlook the unfavorable aspects of social media.

In conclusion, when a person learns to balance his time for social media keeping in mind the other activities in his daily routine and taking care of his security, social media can always be a boon. Moreover, how social media has an impact on humans and society is clarified in this article.


Social Media and its platforms like; Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, WhatsApp, etc. are regarded as the most popular destinations on the web. It is not fair to say that the social media has only spread positivity, somehow in some cases, it has also contributed to cybercrime, fraud, increase addiction levels, bullying, and other negative aspects of the web but the question is had they as a whole contributed to delivering positive or negative consequences in the lives of people and society?

Highlighting the fact that in today’s world some believe that, it is evident that social media has a significant influence on our culture, business, and entire worldview. Social media is a new arena where individuals can discuss ideas, interact with, relate to, and mobilize for a cause, receive counsel, and provide instruction. Social media has broken down communication barriers and provided decentralized communication channels, permitting everyone, including those in dictatorial nations, to have a voice and engage democratically. It enables common interest-based groups such as students, to collaborate on a project outside of class. Students benefit tremendously from social networking sites in school, particularly through communicating with one another on school assignments and collaborative group projects outside of class. For instance, Facebook permits students to meet outside of class to discuss ideas about their homework or tasks.

Similarly, at present, the significance of social media is also analyzed by the educational sectors. Like, schools are utilizing blogs effectively as teaching tools, which has the added benefit of boosting skills in English, written expression, and creativity abilities. Social media is a wonderful marketing promotional equipment as well because it has exponential user growth, businesses utilize it for product marketing through advertising, where they showcase brands, debate features, and raise awareness. In reality, advertising is the primary method used by social media firms to earn capital and support and endure their functions. Furthermore, social networking sites are applicable to convey information more quickly than traditional news channels or any other type of media. It encourages innovation and cooperation with a diverse scope of contributors on a variety of affairs including education, business, politics, racism, health, relationships, etc. In the context of Nepal, social media play the most vital role in spreading the news and compelling the concerned authorities to deal with it. The news that the popular news magazines sources or authorities are unable to seek is accomplished by social media platforms. Through this, we can also distinguish the importance of social media.

On the other hand, although social media has provided numerous advantages such as enabling us to communicate with peers and family instantly and conveniently all over the world, fragmenting the international boundaries and cultural barriers. Social media is robbing us of the trust and comfort we formerly placed in one another, substituting virtual connection for the human fellowship, and physical and emotional support we once derived from one another. It robs us of our self-control and capability to think for ourselves, instead of making us stupid enough to join any community that broadcasts deviant statements that tickle our ears and please our senses without weighing the repercussions.

Unfortunately, social media is causing us to become one of the most unfriendly and antisocial societies, but we still prefer texting to phone talks, online chat to face-to-face meetings, and many have abandoned human connection in favor of more convenient platforms like; Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and so on.

Statement of the Problem

Along with the advancement and rapid growth in the utilization of social media, it is observed that to some extent the academic performance of students is facing a lot of neglect and obstacles, employment at the workplace has suffered a lot of neglect, relationships have been affected, and it has imported the opportunities for hackers. There is a divergence and fragmented focus between social networking activities and education, businesses, and jobs at the workplace. It has also been found that students and employees invest more time on social networking sites than on their studies and professions respectively. As a result, the research question is about how consumers perceive social media and how they utilize it.


The article has the following objectives. They are:

To learn about the different social networking sites that are often utilized in modern culture (society).

To discover the motivations behind people’s participation in social networks and their utilization.

To govern the influence of social networks on the lives of individuals in the society, and

To identify how the usage of social media has affected the public positively and negatively.

Research Questions

Some of the research questions are listed below;

How does social media impact human minds and society?

What are the reasons for joining social media?

Which is the most preferred social media platform?

Is social media a must in today’s world?


The primary purpose of this research article work is to investigate and inspect the influence of social networks/media on people’s lives and society. During the study and research, the inclusion of social media and its platforms such as Facebook, YouTube, Tik Tok, etc. are a must. The study concentrates on social media, prominent social media sites, and the effects that they deliver either positively or negatively. Such research articles assist in providing the needy with knowledge and message regarding social media, its renowned sites, and the impact that they rise on the daily lives of human beings.

Conceptual Clarification

Let’s clarify some of the topics or concepts relating to the subject.


The Internet is a global network of interconnected computer networks that utilize the standard Internet protocol suite (TCP/IP) to serve billions of users. It is composed of millions of private, public, academic, business, and government networks ranging in size from local to global in scope and associated with a diverse range of electronic, wireless, and optical networking technologies. The Internet has a wide range of information resources and services, like the World Wide Web (WWW) interconnected hypertext contents and the infrastructure to facilitate email service. While the popularity of social networking continues to grow, new applications for the technology are being explored regularly. For business communications, internet technologies provide several options, ranging from text-based e-mail to images and sound transmission, through their own websites. Organizational websites present difficulties and possibilities for public relations professionals by fostering communication with the organization’s various audiences. Advertising was the only way to deliver a controlled mass communication before the creation of the WWW,

Social Media

Social media has evolved into one of the most popular means of engaging and connecting with others via gadgets like; mobile, computers, etc. Though there are several platforms for social media, they all offer the same main goal of facilitating social connection. Social media has expanded into more than simply text-based interactions, but also images, videos, and a variety of other types of content. This has improved users' ability to communicate with others while also allowing them to express and share more broadly through computing engagement. Social media has exploded in popularity over the last several decades, producing plenty of well-known applications in the social networking field.

Social Media Platforms

List of some of the biggest social networks used today:

Facebook ( – Facebook is one of the most popular and reputed social networking sites on the web that makes it convenient to convey and share any connection, connect and communicate with family, peers, and relatives online. In 2004, Mark Zuckerberg introduced Facebook to the world and today it is no doubt that it’s the largest social media platform globally with one billion-plus consumer.

YouTube ( – YouTube is an open-source and costless video content sharing website that makes it convenient in viewing videos on the internet. It also provides a platform to showcase your talent and creativity by creating and uploading your video content and sharing it with others around the globe. It is also another popular site that was created in 2005.

WhatsApp ( – WhatsApp is a social media application owned by Facebook. It permits its consumers to send text messages, voice clips, and voice messages, and make audio and video calls. Furthermore, the sharing of pictures, videos, documents, and many more are also possible via WhatsApp.

Instagram ( – Instagram is another social media platform that is owned by Facebook in 2012. With the assistance of this app, the consumers can edit and upload photos, and videos, send messages, share the contents and moments, make friends, make voice messages, and make audio and video calls. Instagram has also the feature to follow friends and idols like; celebs, politicians, etc. who use this application. There are other features and functionality of this application.

Tik Tok ( – It would be fair to say that Tik Tok is one of the fastest-growing social media platforms. The application's motto is to promote the art, creativity, and talent of the users. It is a video-sharing application that enables the users to upload short videos (i.e. 15 seconds) on any content. It has gained a huge audience and popularity in a short interval period.

Snapchat ( – Like other social media, Snapchat also allows the users to send messages, make audio and video calls, send videos, pictures, and so on. But the uniqueness of this app is that any images, messages, and videos you send to your receiver are made available only for a short time by default. Snapchat is utilized mostly by the youths and renowned personalities like celebrities to share their events and moments happening in their life

Pinterest ( – Pinterest is a social networking site where you are allowed to gather and share pictures of anything that tickles your interest. A popular picture-sharing website that lets anybody effortlessly share photos, create collections, and do other things.

LinkedIn ( – LinkedIn is a social media platform that focuses on career development through networks. Job and employment opportunities are also provided by the assistance of this application. This site is also valuable and effective for educational and professional purposes. It is also termed the job and employee hunting platform. Furthermore, connections between friends and colleagues are also prevalent via LinkedIn.

Social Networking

The utilization of internet-based social media platforms to keep connected with peers, colleagues, relatives, family, employees, customers, clients, and consumers is referred to as social networking. Social networking services such as LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. can serve either a social or a business function, or both. It is the technique of increasing the number of one's commercial and social contacts through connecting with others. A social network illustrates the connections and flows that exist between individuals, groups, organizations, and other information or knowledge processing units.

Social Networking Sites (SNS)

The sites introduced or established to develop connections, interactions, and conversations between people via online mediums are known as social networking sites. For instance, Facebook is the world’s largest social networking site which helps to make people connected, share the contents and moments with each other, develop relationships, provide educational information, and so on. Social networking sites are mainly utilized to build contact and network with people. Some of the popular social networking sites include; Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Tik Tok, Snapchat, and so on.


There are a diverse set of people in Nepal. A diverse set of people delivers a diverse set of opinions and feedback on a particular topic. Using a simple and random social media-related questionnaire, a survey was conducted, in which people from different professions participated. The survey was conducted through the assistance of google Forms which contains a good set of questions related to social media/networking. Altogether 56 individuals responded to the questions and through that, a different set of data were collected which provided the public concept regarding social media and its impacts.

Data was gathered through the questionnaire which was asked to respond by the respondents. The responses were unique and real-time. Out of 56 copies of the questionnaire sent to the respondents, all the copies were retrieved. This represented a response rate of 100%. These responses represent that social media is a very interesting and attention-grabbing topic to be discussed.

Data Interpretation and Analysis

The analysis is done through the survey conducted using the google form. The data of the survey along with the analysis is presented below;

Question 1

What is your age?

Answer: Around 70% of the respondents were between the age group of 20 and 25, 25% were from the age group between 26 and 32, and 5% were from the age group between 33 and above. The involvement of the youth was high in this survey.

Question 2

What is your profession?

Answer: According to the survey, around 30% of the respondents belonged to the student profession. The respondents from the businessman and IT-related professions were 20% each, teachers, gamers and singers were 4% each. Almost 16% of respondents were doctors, educational consultants, accountants, photographers, marketing managers, actors, singers, counselors, banks, and nurses professionals. The remaining 2% were unemployed. The above data illustrates that the student professionals were the most involved in the social media/network, which may lead them to be distracted from their studies. Similarly, IT professionals and businessmen were also observed being engaged in the social network. Teachers were also mostly into social media platforms which may lead to inefficiency in their tasks as they might be found wasting their time on social media sites rather than teaching their students informatively and sincerely. It might impact positively on the jobless individual as it assists them to get valuable information and knowledge from social media and its platforms.

Question 3

How often do you use social media?


Percentage (%)









Question 4

Do you believe that social media can play a vital role in the development of the nation?


Percentage (%)





May be


Question 5

Would you prefer the world with the presence or the absence of social media?


Percentage (%)





Analysis of Survey Response

According to the surveyed data on questions number 3, 4, and 5, it can be analyzed that there is a humungous number of people using social media or networks. About 28% of respondents stated that they utilize social media excessively which is a great number. Around 71% of respondents believe that social media can play a vital role in the development of the country. The respondents certainly agree with the presence of social media as 98% of respondents from the survey voted for the presence of social media in the world. Through this data analytics, we can guess the essentiality of social media in the present context.

Question 6

Which one is your most preferred social media platform?


Percentage (%)













Tik Tok




Analysis of Survey Response

Considering all the professional individuals, the most preferred social media platform turned out to be Facebook. 35.7% of respondents preferred Facebook as their priority social media platform followed by YouTube (26.8%), Instagram (10.7%), Tik Tok (10.7%), WhatsApp (7.14%), LinkedIn (5.35%), Twitter (1.78%), Snapchat (1.78%). 

Question 7

Would you give access to social media to your children? Give your opinion.


Percentage (%)





May be


Question 8

Do you consider that social media has been creating negative impacts on the young generation?


Percentage (%)





May be






Analysis of Survey Response

According to the surveyed data on questions number 7 and 8, it can be observed that even though the majority of respondents believe that social media can spread negative impacts on the youth, still they give their kids access to social media. There can be enormous reasons for that, it can be possible due to educational and communication purposes. As nowadays schools provide online classes so the children require access to such social media platforms to communicate and conduct their classes. This turns out to be the positive impact of social media.

Question 9

Which do you think is the major advantage of social media?


Percentage (%)

Provides Communication Services


Creates employment and other opportunities




Provides Marketing Platforms


Promotes Art and Creativity


Question 10

Which do you think is the major disadvantage of social media?


Percentage (%)

Excessive use of social media leads to the waste of time


Can harm the health of the consumers


Possibility of Cyber Crime and Hacking


Can ruin the relationships and trusts


Making the interface addictive to the people


Analysis of Survey Response

There exists both positive and negative sides to social media. So, questions number 9 and 10 represent the advantages and disadvantages of social media respectively. There are broad advantages of social media like; it provides communication services, creates employment and other opportunities, source of entertainment, provides marketing platforms, promotes art and creativity, and so on. Among them, around 34% of respondents found that providing communication services to be the major advantage of social media. Along with that, there are also a few dark sides of social media like; excessive use may lead to waste of valuable time, can harm the health of the consumers, can import cybercrime and hacking, can ruin the relationships and trusts, can be addictive to the people and so on. Among them, around 54% of respondents found the possibility of cybercrime and hacking as the major and serious disadvantage of social media.

Question 11

What do you think is the major reason for joining social media?


Percentage (%)

Convey with the relatives, friends, and family members


Share the moments


Educational purpose


To pass the time


To find and contact the old and new people


Analysis of Survey Response

There are quite a lot of reasons for joining social media. Some of the reasons include; communicating between relatives, peers, and family members, sharing precious moments, for educational purposes, passing the time, finding out and contact with the old and new people, and many more. From the survey, we can find that 37.5% of respondents considered that their reasons for joining social media are for communication purposes. They treat social media as a platform to converse with relatives, friends, and family members.

Question 12

Rate the importance of social media. (1 is considered less important and 5 is highly important)


Percentage (%)











Analysis of Survey Response

In the scale measurement of social media importance from 1 (i.e., less important) to 5 (i.e., highly important), 55.4% of respondents have given 4 ratings which indicates that there is immense importance of social media in today’s world.

Question 13

Any suggestions?

Some of the valuable comments and suggestions are provided by the respondents.

Summary of Findings

The findings showed that;

Based on the survey, it can be assumed that a large proportion of the population in the country utilizes social media and its platforms. Facebook is the social media platform that is preferred by the majority of the people, followed by YouTube, Instagram, Tik Tok, WhatsApp, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Snapchat.

The reasons why people of Nepal join social networks include meeting new people, finding old friends, chatting the day away, joining interest groups, creating photo albums, sharing photos, obtaining educational content, etc.

Approximately around 25% of the public agreed that social media also hurts youth.

Although people believe that social media also exhibits negative impacts, they also give access to their children.

Because of the higher number of crimes committed on social networks and the amount of time spent on social networking activities, as well as the failure to develop a balance between social media and education, business, and the workplace, social networking is considered to create a negative impact. The positive effects of such social media include: it enables open communication, delivers opportunities to widen business contacts, and makes it simpler and easier to stay in touch with family, peers, and relatives.

After observing and analyzing, it can be concluded that the majority of the people believe that social media is an essentiality in today’s world and it is very hard to imagine the world in the absence of social media and its platforms.


Despite social networking being an occurrence that has existed since the beginning of civilization, social networking sites are a recent trend. In less than five years, these sites have evolved from a minor online campaign to a wonder where tens of millions of internet users are attached. The advent of a new social phenomenon has sparked debate in both industry and academics. Taking the findings of this report’s investigation as a basis, the following conclusions have been reached:

Social networking may appear to have certain negative repercussions in society, yet it is still more advantageous than the negativity devoted to it.

Banning access to social networking sites, like any other social problem or threat to individuals in society, is not the ideal solution. Young internet users are frequently curious and smart enough to discover new procedures and techniques for accessing social networking sites.

According to my interpretation of my investigation, social networking sites may have a substantial influence on the social behavior of youngsters. There have been observed both good and negative consequences documented of it. Positive effects of these sites include the flourishment of togetherness among peers and family as well as the ability to communicate openly. Communication, among other things, includes aiding others and so on. On the other side, bullying is one of the negative outcomes that have been determined, and various stages of addiction.

Finally, the advent of social networking sites is essential to the advancements of the social and economic repercussions of new technologies. As several networking sites observers have remarked, the constant growth of these sites showers with new opportunities and concerns. As a result, this study has sought to deliver some modest contributions about the several social trends and their consequences inherent in the current rise of social networking sites.


By the examination of social media’s influence on society. The following points are recommended by me;

The guardian of the country, i.e., the government, should encourage both the young and the old by making internet access more affordable, which will contribute to creating golden chances and opportunities to access social networks, which encourages togetherness and affection among individuals, particularly the inhabitants of the nation.

The government should discover a procedure to secure social networking sites to minimize fraud activities of hackers, as this is the most significant negative consequence of networking sites in our surroundings.

As a source of knowledge, parents should introduce their offspring to social networking to make them more effective in understanding what is going on across the globe.

Moreover, the pillar of the nation, i.e. youth, should attempt not to waste their valuable time on social networking sites to not harm their academic performance, instead, they should make reasonable utilization of the good aspects of social networking.

Furthermore, awareness elevating and educational programs emphasizing safe and secure use of social networking sites are musts. Individuals must understand and learn how to handle their online data. Such educational activities and events should include the guardian’s participation as well.


Survey Questionnaires

Question 1

Question 2

Question 3

Question 4

Question 5

Question 6

Question 7

Question 8

Question 9

Question 10

Question 11

Question 12

Question 13

History of Social Media

Social Media has become an integral element of modern life. It does, however, have a lengthy history. We need to know about the history of social media evolution. It is also because we utilize it in our regular lives. After the 1940s, the expansion of computing technology prepared the path for the world of social media that we witness at present. CompuServe was founded in 1960. The very first email was sent in 1966, as technology advanced.

Additionally, the introduction of Usenet in the 1970s enabled individuals to interact via virtual newsletters, articles, or newsgroups posts. Home computers were launched in the same decade, along with various types of social media that were to be created. The Listserv was founded in 1986. It was a mailing list that permitted the people to contact numerous users in a single mail. At present, Listserv is ubiquitous. It was, nonetheless, revolutionary at that period. With the introduction of chat rooms in 1994, users were able to engage with one another via a graphical chat room server. Numerous people associate the history of social media with the advancement of communications technology ever since the end of the 19th century., which operated from 1997 to 2001, is widely regarded as the first social networking site since it enabled users to establish personal areas and communicate with their peers online. It was bought for 125 million dollars in 2000 and shut down in 2001. |In 1998, was the first activist social media site built for business. Initially, an email community, then it gradually expanded to support wider internet involvement. It was in 1999 when blogging sites gained popularity and they still remain famous at present. LiveJournal, a blogging platform, was established in 1999. LunarStorm, the first ad-financed social networking site, began in 2000. With time, this site grew in importance and was mostly directed toward youngsters. Friendster, which was founded in 2002, pioneered social networking in the United States although it was shortly overtaken by other social networking sites like MySpace (2003), Facebook (2004), Twitter (2006), Pinterest (2009), and Google+ (2012). The launch of LastFM was another significant milestone in the social media background platforms and social media sites.  It was the first online music database and online radio streaming which are today commonplace.

LinkedIn is a one-of-a-kind selling feature that first emerged in 2003. It is one of the top sites for seeking jobs or connecting with businesses. MySpace debuted in 2003. It not only lets users customize and design their profiles, but it also lets them integrate music, videos, and movies. In 2004, several new services were introduced. These include the first Harvard dom-based version of Facebook Care2, Multiply, Ning, Orkut, Mixi, and Hyves.

YouTube, a completely new mode of communication was created in 2005. It built and distributed media over large distances. During the same year, numerous other products were introduced, including Yahoo 360, Bebo, and Reddit. Today, YouTube is the world’s largest video-sharing platform. It is still the most famous and popular platform and people enjoy utilizing it.

Furthermore, 2006 was the magical year when Facebook first appeared and got launched. On October 4, 2012, Facebook hit one billion monthly users globally, making it the most popular social networking site. It was one of the web’s most popular social media platforms. Since 2006, Facebook has expanded dramatically and is currently the most visited website on the internet. The portion of internet adults who utilize more than one social networking site climbed from 42% in 2013 to 52% in 2014.

Twitter, another social media platform established in 2006, permits consumers to communicate directly with celebs. Instagram’s advent was a significant step forward in the growth of social media. Instagram is a picture and video content sharing platform located in the United States (US) that was founded in the year 2010.

Google+, a new social networking application was released by Google in 2011. Its users may establish groups in the shape of circles and communicate via video hangouts. TikTok, a new and great social media platform, came into popularity in 2016. It was first introduced in 2016 by the Chinese technology company named ByteDance. TikTok specialized in video posting, uploading, and sharing. The majority of consumers utilize it to film short videos related to dance, humor, or any other abilities. There is no doubting the fact that this application is a tremendously addicting social media application with millions of users worldwide. This might be the reason why this app has received various warnings owing to its addictive nature, which has a negative influence on its consumers.

Parler is today’s newest social media platform and app. It is defined as a social media platform that is impartial and allows personal freedom. This platform is committed to defending its consumer's rights. Parler’s CEO is John Matze who founded the app in 2018. The human is, without a doubt, a social creature. Any type of media that permits humans to connect and communicate with one another without physically meeting in the actual world appears to exist. Besides the continuous flow of hate and hatred as well as advertising, social media appears to be a thing of the future.

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