Internet, Cyber Security Attacks and ARP Spoofing Attack

In this blog, we will cover the contents of the various types of security attacks, also briefly explain the ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) Spoofing attack, and many more.


The Internet has been one of the most important and crucial needs of people in this rapidly growing world of modernization. 

As its importance is growing day by day different types of vulnerabilities and security attacks are also getting high which has become a major issue on the internet. 

The Internet plays a major role in keeping communication going through different sites and sources, many people perform different smooth operations and activities with the help of the internet and keep their sensitive information and data on the internet but as we all know that internet is not fully trustable and reliable and have different types of malware and vulnerabilities occurs due to which different attackers and hackers gain access through people sensitive, financial and personal data which will be the major advantage for the attackers and the huge loss for the owner. 

Different types of cyber-attacks have been emerging rapidly which has become a severe problem and one of the main attacks among them is ARP Spoofing.

ARP Spoofing

ARP Spoofing is a vulnerable type of attack that has become one of the major problems in the local area network (LAN) and it leads to various other harmful attacks. 

It is a malicious attack that sends falsified ARP messages over a LAN and leads to the associated linking of an attacker’s MAC address with the IP address of a legitimate computer or server on the network. 

It is generally a technique used by attackers to perform cache poisoning by putting incorrect IP to MAC address mappings in the victim’s ARP cache. 

ARP Spoofing Attack

ARP Spoofing Attack

It is divided into two forms namely that is request attack and response attack. 

In the request attack, the attackers transmit an ARP request message with a fake source IP-MAC in the ARP header. 

When the receiver receives the spoofed ARP message the ARP cache table gets updated with the attacker’s fake IP-MAC pair. 

After that when the victim sends its subsequent packets to the fake IP, the packets will be destined to the MAC of the host created or generated by the attacker in the fake IP-MAC pair. 

In this way, the attacker can change or deny the traffic sent to a user in the network. 

In the case of a response attack, the attackers will either respond to normal ARP request with fake ARP replies that map the next-hop IP to the attacker's MAC address or sends spoofed ARP replies without having the issue of a request. 

There are generally different types of attacks launched by ARP spoofing due to which severe harm can be caused to the LAN. 

The different types of ARP attacks carried out by ARP spoofing to create different vulnerabilities are listed below:

Types of Attacks

Man-in-the-Middle (MITM) attack

Man-in-the-Middle (MITM) attack is an active eavesdropping technique. 

Here a hacker exploits ARP Cache Poisoning to capture network traffic between two nodes. 

In this case, if a communication session between two devices X and Y is going on then the attacker fakes X by pretending to be Y. It means that whenever X tries to send information to Y, it actually sends information to the attacker who can change and modify the information according to the attacker and forwards the information to Y to keep the communication going on. The attacker can go through all the sensitive information and data and can change/modify them before forwarding the data to Y. 

The hacker can capture all the network traffic and can also sniff passwords or hijack the secured Internet Sessions. 

This type of attack is also known as “Bucket Bridge Attack”, “Fire Brigade Attack”, “Monkey in the Middle Attack” etc.

Denial Of Service (DOS) attack

It is a type of attack on a networking structure where it disables a server from servicing its clients. 

It attempts to slow down the server by sending millions of requests and also creates flooding on a server with large packets of invalid data or sending requests with an invalid or spoofed IP address. 

In this type of attack, the attacker will prevent the two communicating hosts from getting connected to each other. 

The malicious machines create a large number of unknown or fake identities which is it makes system resources unreachable to its intended users. 

The attack soaks the target machine with outward communications requests and the server cannot get respond to authentic traffic. 

The response comes so slowly that it is like not responding at all.

Connection Hijacking

Packet or Connection Hijacking is a type of method where connected nodes can be victimized into getting their connection changed and taking full access to it; it allows an attacker to take control of the connection between two computers. 

This type of attack uses ARP poisoning to steal sessions IDs and allows the attackers to get access to private systems and data connection hijacking. 

This type of attack is usually performed to attack the social network website, and banking websites to gain access to the websites and valid information provided from that site. 

It plays a major role in stealing the confidential and sensitive information which passes through the network. It can steal and capture messages without the knowledge of the senders. 

The big advantage of this type of attack is that it does not have to break any defense or security firewalls, it just has to keep listening over the network and can take control of any type of valid sessions over them.


MAC addresses were meant to be globally unique identifiers for every network interface which were burned into the ROM of each interface and could not be changed. 

But nowadays, MAC addresses can easily be changed without spoofing the software, by using a single variable to “ifconfig”, the interface configuration program for the O.S. 

An attacker could DOS a target computer, then assigns themselves as the IP and MAC of the target computer and collects all the frames and sensitive information for the target as they wanted to do. This is the process involved in cloning. 

The main reason for performing an ARP spoofing attack is to intercept data frames on a network, modify the traffic and stop all the traffic. 

It is one of those attacks that can be performed easily without any type of difficulties or disruptions. 

It can damage and take information secretly without the knowledge of the user due to which it can be taken as one of the most dangerous attacks. 

The current scenario of ARP spoofing is not dangerous as before because different types of tools and resources are being implemented to control the attack but as we all know that “Everything is not perfect”, different types of holes and improper functions are still there due to which the tools and resources also cannot completely avoid the attacks properly.


Address Resolution Protocol is also known as ARP is a stateless protocol and one of the most popular communication protocols in the local area network (LAN)which lies under the network layer on an open system interconnections (OSI) model. 

It is one of the most important protocols in Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)/Internet Protocol (IP) and is used to associate the IP address of the network layer to the MAC address of the data link layer. 

With the help of this protocol, the total number of hosts connected to the LAN can be identified and several MAC addresses to IP addresses can also be discovered, in a LAN environment. 

ARP is performed by sending a message request called broadcast to get the MAC to address the IP address. 

While carrying out the operations each device in the network receives the message and compares it with its IP address and if there is a match between the IPs then the generated ARP will be known as unicast and the other devices which are identified and do not match the IP’s then such packets will be dropped immediately. 

After that, the IP-MAC address is stored in the ARP cache table of any network host. The main weakness of ARP is that it is not designed with security features and it lacks the features of authentication and integrity and does not support it due to which it can easily be exploited and different hackers and attackers can go through the sensitive data and information which will be great loss and harm. 

ARP can easily be spoofed due to which it is highly susceptible to spoof and poison attacks.

ARP Explained

ARP Explained

ARP Spoofing is an OSI Layer 2 attack that exploits the statelessness and vulnerability of the protocol and makes network hosts susceptible to different issues and generates serious outcomes for any user. 

These types of attacks are performed to take important information and empower destructive gathering to catch, alter or even stop the information exactly anytime even if it is in the way of traveling to its destination.

An ARP poisoning is a kind of hacking technique and is carried out when an attacker sends a fake ARP request or ARP reply to the LAN which leads to a change in the ARP cache table that is connected with the host IP address to the attacker’s MAC address. 

This enables the attacker to receive all the packets connected between the target host and attacker in the LAN and after that, the attacker can get the information and modify the packets flowing in the LAN. 

They can get access to sensitive data just like an authorized person can get access to their network. 

The attackers without any knowledge of the authority can extract sensitive information. 

There are generally two types of countermeasures to notice the attack: detection and prevention systems. 

Detection systems detect the attack by sounding an alarm when an attack is detected and prevention systems try to prevent or stop the attack from happening. 

There are generally different types of attacks that are encouraged by ARP Spoofing to attack the ARP and they are Dos attack, MITM attack, MAC flooding, MAC duplicating, MAC address spoofing, session hijacking, etc. 

To make the attack successful different types of attacking tools are used which are listed below in detail.

ARP Poisoning

ARP Poisoning

Tools used for ARP Spoofing Attack


ARPwner is a tool that is used for ARP poisoning and DNS poisoning attacks. 

It has a simple GUI and a plugin system to filter the information gathered. 

It also consists of an implementation of SSLtrip and is fully coded on python and on GitHub, which can be modified according to the need of attackers. 

This tool was developed by Nicholas Trippar at BlackHat USA in 2012.


Arpoison is a network analyzer that sends ARP packets to/from specified MAC and IP addresses. 

It was created by Steve Buer who developed this tool to analyze Ethernet traffic inside a local network using a switch. 

This tool sends custom ARP packets and bogus ARP replies to the local network.


Ettercap is an efficient tool for man-in-the-middle attacks on LAN. 

It is responsible for sniffing live connections, content filtering, and different other tricks. 

It includes different features for network and host analysis and also supports active and passive separation of many protocols even the ciphered ones. 

It is capable of performing attacks against the ARP protocol. It can infect, replace and delete data in a connection and captures passwords for different protocols like FTP, HTTP, POP, SSH1, and many others. 

It acts as a Swiss army knife for ARP poisoning and network sniffing. It consists of filters and plug-ins which can perform all sorts of network tasks. 

Ettercap can run on Linux, BSD, Mac OS X, and Windows XP/2003/2007/2008 and also can work on wireless (802.11) and wired LANs.


It is a combination of password sniffing and network traffic analysis tool commonly known as packet sniffer which was developed by Dug Song to analyze different application protocols and extract appropriate information which can take over various protocols like FTP, SMTP, HTTP, mailsnarf, urlsnarf, and passively monitor sensitive information on a network for gathering interesting data like passwords, e-mail IDs, logs, etc.

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